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Title Job Location Institute Sort descending
Student assistant (m/f/d) in programming and signal processing in medical technology Aachen ILT - Laser Technology
Student assistant (m/f/d) in the field of development of EUV radiation sources and systems Aachen ILT - Laser Technology
Unsolicited application: Thesis at the Fraunhofer Institute for Laser Technology Aachen ILT - Laser Technology
Unsolicited application: Student assitant (f/m/d) in the field of laser technology Aachen ILT - Laser Technology
Master Thesis in Quantum Optimization / Quantum Machine Learning Munich IKS - Cognitive Systems
Master Thesis on Reliability of LLM for the Safety Critical Process Munich IKS - Cognitive Systems
Werkstudent*in - Software Development for Engineering Applications
Werkstudent*in - Software Development for Engineering Applications Erlangen IISB - Integrated Systems and Device Technology
Erlangen IISB - Integrated Systems and Device Technology
Student assistant in the field of hyperspectral acquisition of 2D and 3D objects Darmstadt IGD - Computer Graphics Research
Bachelor/Masterthesis - "Computer Vision for Biometrics"
Bachelor/Masterthesis - "Computer Vision for Biometrics" Darmstadt IGD - Computer Graphics Research
Darmstadt IGD - Computer Graphics Research
Master Thesis, Bachelor Thesis, Scientific assistance, internship - Water reuse
Master Thesis, Bachelor Thesis, Scientific assistance, internship - Water reuse Stuttgart IGB - Interfacial Engineering and Biotechnology
Stuttgart IGB - Interfacial Engineering and Biotechnology
Master's thesis in the field of metabolic engineering of methylotrophic bacteria in Straubing Straubing IGB - Interfacial Engineering and Biotechnology
Master's thesis to develop efficient genetic tools for methylotrophic bacteria in Straubing Straubing IGB - Interfacial Engineering and Biotechnology
Master Thesis: Development of a green reactor for wastewater treatment
Master Thesis: Development of a green reactor for wastewater treatment Stuttgart IGB - Interfacial Engineering and Biotechnology
Stuttgart IGB - Interfacial Engineering and Biotechnology
Unsolicited application
Unsolicited application Bremen IFAM - Manufacturing Technology and Advanced Materials
Bremen IFAM - Manufacturing Technology and Advanced Materials
Postdoctoral Position Electrochemical Critical Raw Materials Recovery
Postdoctoral Position Electrochemical Critical Raw Materials Recovery Bremen IFAM - Manufacturing Technology and Advanced Materials
Bremen IFAM - Manufacturing Technology and Advanced Materials
TAKE THE INITIATIVE Kaiserslautern IESE - Experimentelles Software Engineering
Kaiserslautern IESE - Experimentelles Software Engineering
Thesis: Software Security Micro-Trainings using Large Language Models Paderborn IEM - Mechatronic Systems Design
Master's Thesis: Filtering and Prioritizing Software Vulnerabilities with Artificial Intelligence Paderborn IEM - Mechatronic Systems Design
Internship - Initiative application
Internship - Initiative application Kassel IEE - Energy Economics and Energy System Technology
Kassel IEE - Energy Economics and Energy System Technology
Student Assistant - Initiative application
Student Assistant - Initiative application Kassel IEE - Energy Economics and Energy System Technology
Kassel IEE - Energy Economics and Energy System Technology
Master thesis: Fast Dynamic Security Assessment (DSA) of Power Sys-tems
Master thesis: Fast Dynamic Security Assessment (DSA) of Power Sys-tems Kassel IEE - Energy Economics and Energy System Technology
Kassel IEE - Energy Economics and Energy System Technology
Student Assistant in the field of "Media Distribution and Security" Ilmenau IDMT - Digital Media Technology
Initiative position as an student assistant
Initiative position as an student assistant Ilmenau IDMT - Digital Media Technology
Ilmenau IDMT - Digital Media Technology
Initiative position as an intern
Initiative position as an intern Ilmenau IDMT - Digital Media Technology
Ilmenau IDMT - Digital Media Technology
Initiative position as an employee
Initiative position as an employee Ilmenau IDMT - Digital Media Technology
Ilmenau IDMT - Digital Media Technology