Student assistant

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Title Sort descending Job Location Institute
Speculative application for students »Imaging and Sensing«
Speculative application for students »Imaging and Sensing« Jena IOF - Applied Optics and Precision Engineering
Jena IOF - Applied Optics and Precision Engineering
Speculative Application Bremerhaven: Internship, Student Assistantship with/without Thesis Bremerhaven IWES - Wind Energy Systems
Sensor data fusion and artificial intelligence in Ingolstadt
Sensor data fusion and artificial intelligence in Ingolstadt Ingolstadt IVI - Transportation and Infrastructure Systems
Ingolstadt IVI - Transportation and Infrastructure Systems
Internship in the field of autonomous systems and AI in Ingolstadt
Internship in the field of autonomous systems and AI in Ingolstadt Ingolstadt IVI - Transportation and Infrastructure Systems
Ingolstadt IVI - Transportation and Infrastructure Systems
Intern* / Student* with Master Thesis (optional) Testbench Design and Electrolyzer Characterization Leuna IWES - Wind Energy Systems
Intern* / Student* with Master Thesis (optional) Investigation of Journal Bearings in Wind Turbines Bremerhaven IWES - Wind Energy Systems
Initiative position as an student assistant
Initiative position as an student assistant Ilmenau IDMT - Digital Media Technology
Ilmenau IDMT - Digital Media Technology
Apply here for a position as a research assistant
Apply here for a position as a research assistant Stuttgart IAO - Industrial Engineering
Stuttgart IAO - Industrial Engineering