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Title Job Location Institute
Master Thesis: Diamond Hetero-Integration in Quantum Technologies
Master Thesis: Diamond Hetero-Integration in Quantum Technologies Freiburg im Breisgau IAF - Applied Solid State Physics
Freiburg im Breisgau IAF - Applied Solid State Physics
Master thesis »Simulation of the microstructure evolution during forging of a large turbine shaft« Freiburg im Breisgau IWM - Mechanics of Materials
Thesis (B/M): Parameterized scale-up model for prospective life cycle assessment
Thesis (B/M): Parameterized scale-up model for prospective life cycle assessment Sulzbach-Rosenberg UMSICHTATZ - Environmental, Safety, and Energy Technology
Sulzbach-Rosenberg UMSICHTATZ - Environmental, Safety, and Energy Technology
Bachelor-/ Master Thesis: »Development of ML-Algorithms for the optimization of food industry« Aachen IPT - Production Technology
Master Thesis: Design of a Low Noise Amplifier for Neuromorphic Sensor Frontends
Master Thesis: Design of a Low Noise Amplifier for Neuromorphic Sensor Frontends Munich EMFT - Microsystems and Solid State Technologies
Munich EMFT - Microsystems and Solid State Technologies
Master Thesis »Multi-Sensor Data Integration for Enhanced Indoor Farming Systems«
Master Thesis »Multi-Sensor Data Integration for Enhanced Indoor Farming Systems« Oberhausen UMSICHT - Environmental, Safety, and Energy Technology
Oberhausen UMSICHT - Environmental, Safety, and Energy Technology
Thesis: Influence of ink components for coating bipolar plates Aachen ILT - Laser Technology
Unsolicited application: Thesis at the Fraunhofer Institute for Laser Technology Aachen ILT - Laser Technology
Thesis "Materials Research for Green Ammonia and Hydrogen"
Thesis "Materials Research for Green Ammonia and Hydrogen" Freiburg im Breisgau ISE - Solar Energy Systems
Freiburg im Breisgau ISE - Solar Energy Systems
Master Thesis - Development of a precise navigation solution in confined environments
Master Thesis - Development of a precise navigation solution in confined environments Stuttgart IPA - Manufacturing Engineering and Automation
Stuttgart IPA - Manufacturing Engineering and Automation
Master Thesis »Modification of Si aerogels to maximize H2 uptake«
Master Thesis »Modification of Si aerogels to maximize H2 uptake« Oberhausen UMSICHT - Environmental, Safety, and Energy Technology
Oberhausen UMSICHT - Environmental, Safety, and Energy Technology
Master Thesis - Pointcloud Mapping for Autonomous Outdoor Navigation
Master Thesis - Pointcloud Mapping for Autonomous Outdoor Navigation Stuttgart IPA - Manufacturing Engineering and Automation
Stuttgart IPA - Manufacturing Engineering and Automation
Master Thesis - Improving 3D LiDAR Localization of Mobile Robots with Point Cloud Segmentation Stuttgart IPA - Manufacturing Engineering and Automation
Thesis "Carbon Nano Devices"
Thesis "Carbon Nano Devices" Chemnitz ENAS - Electronic Nano Systems
Chemnitz ENAS - Electronic Nano Systems
Master Thesis, Bachelor Thesis, Scientific assistance, internship - Water reuse
Master Thesis, Bachelor Thesis, Scientific assistance, internship - Water reuse Stuttgart IGB - Interfacial Engineering and Biotechnology
Stuttgart IGB - Interfacial Engineering and Biotechnology
Master thesis on inference optimization for neural networks in Ingolstadt
Master thesis on inference optimization for neural networks in Ingolstadt Ingolstadt IVI - Transportation and Infrastructure Systems
Ingolstadt IVI - Transportation and Infrastructure Systems
Master Thesis in Quantum Optimization / Quantum Machine Learning Munich IKS - Cognitive Systems
Master's Thesis on »Immune Cell Engineering«
Master's Thesis on »Immune Cell Engineering« Würzburg IZI - Cell Therapy and Immunology
Würzburg IZI - Cell Therapy and Immunology
Student Thesis in the field of »Multiphysics modelling of All-Solid-State Batteries« Braunschweig IST - Surface Engineering and Thin Films
Internship »Construction and testing of electrochemical flow reactors«
Internship »Construction and testing of electrochemical flow reactors« Oberhausen UMSICHT - Environmental, Safety, and Energy Technology
Oberhausen UMSICHT - Environmental, Safety, and Energy Technology
Bachelor or master thesis in the field of electrochemical processes in Straubing
Bachelor or master thesis in the field of electrochemical processes in Straubing Straubing IGB - Interfacial Engineering and Biotechnology
Straubing IGB - Interfacial Engineering and Biotechnology
Thesis: Software Security Micro-Trainings using Large Language Models Paderborn IEM - Mechatronic Systems Design
Bachelor/Master Thesis »Integrating and Optimizing Point Process Texture Basis Functions« Kaiserslautern ITWM - Industrial Mathematics
Master's Thesis: Design of an analog-based circuit to drive micropumps for active medical implants Munich EMFT - Microsystems and Solid State Technologies
Bachel./MA Thesis „Active Ground Leveling: Design of a Robotic Leveling System for Outdoor Surfaces" Stuttgart IPA - Manufacturing Engineering and Automation