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Master thesis: Algorithm for reducing laser-induced roughness during laser polishing of AISI H11 Aachen ILT - Laser Technology
Thesis: AI-supported process monitoring with multimodal sensor technology in laser beam welding Aachen ILT - Laser Technology
Master's thesis in the field of surface technology: USP laser structuring of sapphire Aachen ILT - Laser Technology
Unsolicited application: Thesis at the Fraunhofer Institute for Laser Technology Aachen ILT - Laser Technology
Master Thesis in Quantum Optimization / Quantum Machine Learning Munich IKS - Cognitive Systems
Master Thesis on Reliability of LLM for the Safety Critical Process Munich IKS - Cognitive Systems
Bachelor/Masterthesis - "Computer Vision for Biometrics"
Bachelor/Masterthesis - "Computer Vision for Biometrics" Darmstadt IGD - Computer Graphics Research
Darmstadt IGD - Computer Graphics Research
Master Thesis, Bachelor Thesis, Scientific assistance, internship - Water reuse
Master Thesis, Bachelor Thesis, Scientific assistance, internship - Water reuse Stuttgart IGB - Interfacial Engineering and Biotechnology
Stuttgart IGB - Interfacial Engineering and Biotechnology
Master's thesis in the field of metabolic engineering of methylotrophic bacteria in Straubing Straubing IGB - Interfacial Engineering and Biotechnology
Master's thesis to develop efficient genetic tools for methylotrophic bacteria in Straubing Straubing IGB - Interfacial Engineering and Biotechnology
Master Thesis: Development of a green reactor for wastewater treatment
Master Thesis: Development of a green reactor for wastewater treatment Stuttgart IGB - Interfacial Engineering and Biotechnology
Stuttgart IGB - Interfacial Engineering and Biotechnology
Thesis: Software Security Micro-Trainings using Large Language Models Paderborn IEM - Mechatronic Systems Design
Master's Thesis: Filtering and Prioritizing Software Vulnerabilities with Artificial Intelligence Paderborn IEM - Mechatronic Systems Design
Master thesis: Fast Dynamic Security Assessment (DSA) of Power Sys-tems
Master thesis: Fast Dynamic Security Assessment (DSA) of Power Sys-tems Kassel IEE - Energy Economics and Energy System Technology
Kassel IEE - Energy Economics and Energy System Technology
Apply here for a thesis
Apply here for a thesis Stuttgart IAO - Industrial Engineering
Stuttgart IAO - Industrial Engineering
Master Thesis: Diamond Hetero-Integration in Quantum Technologies
Master Thesis: Diamond Hetero-Integration in Quantum Technologies Freiburg im Breisgau IAF - Applied Solid State Physics
Freiburg im Breisgau IAF - Applied Solid State Physics
Scientist Optical non-terrestrial networks
Scientist Optical non-terrestrial networks Berlin HHI - Telecommunications, Heinrich Hertz Institute
Berlin HHI - Telecommunications, Heinrich Hertz Institute
Master's Thesis - Wafer Bonding and System Packaging
Master's Thesis - Wafer Bonding and System Packaging Chemnitz ENAS - Electronic Nano Systems
Chemnitz ENAS - Electronic Nano Systems
Thesis "1D/2D Nano Devices"
Thesis "1D/2D Nano Devices" Chemnitz ENAS - Electronic Nano Systems
Chemnitz ENAS - Electronic Nano Systems
Thesis "Carbon Nano Devices"
Thesis "Carbon Nano Devices" Chemnitz ENAS - Electronic Nano Systems
Chemnitz ENAS - Electronic Nano Systems
Master's Thesis: Design and layout of low power, low mismatch charge pump for PLL at 4 kelvin Munich EMFT - Microsystems and Solid State Technologies
Master's Thesis: Design of an analog-based circuit to drive micropumps for active medical implants Munich EMFT - Microsystems and Solid State Technologies