Working student: Evaluation of techno-economic feasibility of chemical recycling (all genders)
As one of the oldest and largest Fraunhofer institutes, the Fraunhofer Institute for Chemical Technology ICT has special expertise: by linking the diverse research fields of polymer engineering, chemical processes, explosives technology, safety and security, and energy and drive systems, it achieves decisive breakthroughs. Examples can be found in lightweight construction for mobility, in environmentally friendly chemistry, in applications for the aerospace and military sectors as well as in life-cycle assessments, recycling and sustainability concepts – which you could soon help to create! Chemical recycling offers a promising alternative to depolymerise plastic waste into its constituent monomers; thereby, reducing our dependence on fossil-based feedstock. This approach is suitable for most polymers used in our daily life. In view of the stringent policy regulations across the globe, chemical recycling has been identified as a potential solution for sustainable waste management of different sectors ranging from packaging and automobile to consumer electronics and medicine. In view of this, the goal is to define a strategy for market integration based on a comprehensive evaluation of techno-economic feasibility and governing policy regulations, and to identify potential value chains through a comprehensive market analysis. The ultimate goal is to develop a well-defined strategy for market integration based on different chemical recycling technologies already established at Fraunhofer Institute for Chemical Technology ICT.
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Die wöchentliche Arbeitszeit beträgt 39 Stunden. Die Stelle kann auch in Teilzeit besetzt werden.
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Fraunhofer-Institut für Chemische Technologie ICT
Kennziffer: 78849 Bewerbungsfrist:
Sustainability, Chemical Engineer, Materials Science, Mechanical Engineer, Energy, Engineering, Science, Research