Master Thesis - Economic Potential Analysis of Autonomous Field Robotics in the Context of Precision
In the Professional Service Robots - Outdoor research group we develop autonomous, mobile robots for a variety of outdoor applications, such as agriculture and forestry. The focus is on the development of an autonomous outdoor navigation solution as well as the hardware of the robots.
The autonomous field robots currently under development in the prototype phase, are meant to support farmers for various work processes in speciality crops, such as cultivation of nuts, fruits or coffee. Based on the technical potential, the economic potential that autonomous field robotics can realise must be clarified. This assessment requires an understanding of the market environment, which will be developed as part of the final thesis.
Was Sie bei uns tun
The thesis aims to improve market understanding of robot technologies in various cultivation processes. Therefore, at the beginning of the thesis, it will be necessary to acquire background knowledge on robotics and precision agriculture. Based on this, relevant influencing factors for the market environment will be identified and evaluated. A quantitative market environment analysis should then form the basis for deriving economic potential for automation through robotics.
At the end, a case study could be developed for one of the research group's robots.
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Fraunhofer-Institut für Produktionstechnik und Automatisierung IPA
Kennziffer: 71229 Bewerbungsfrist:
Industrial Engineer, Agricultural, Engineer, Bilingual, Engineering, Research, Agriculture