Ort:  Stuttgart
Datum:  19.02.2025

Master Thesis - Improving 3D LiDAR Localization of Mobile Robots with Point Cloud Segmentation

Die Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft (www.fraunhofer.de) betreibt in Deutschland derzeit 76 Institute und Forschungseinrichtungen und ist eine der führenden Organisationen für anwendungsorientierte Forschung. Rund 32 000 Mitarbeitende erarbeiten das jährliche Forschungsvolumen von 3,4 Milliarden Euro.  

In the Professional Service Robots - Outdoor research group we develop autonomous, mobile robots for a variety of outdoor applications, such as agriculture and forestry. The focus is on the development of an autonomous outdoor navigation solution as well as the hardware of the robots.


Natural outdoor environments like farms and forests are filled with highly complex geometrical forms and dynamically changing appearances compared to solidly constructed areas or indoor environments. One major challenge to enable autonomous operations in these environments is a reliable localization. Leveraging 3D LiDAR data for creating 3D point cloud maps and localizing in these maps by scan matching solves this problem for static environments. But with an increased presence of dynamic objects and large appearance changes due to weather and season these algorithms can lead to wrong associations and degraded performances.

The classification and segmentation of the point cloud information can be a major assistance for the localization approach to improve the associations and scan matching algorithms.


Was Sie bei uns tun

In this thesis you will contribute to the environment understanding and the localization of the robot by developing a point cloud segmentation method based on classical and/or deep learning techniques. You will integrate this segmentation method into the 3D LiDAR SLAM approach and evaluate localization improvements.

One focus will lie on the separation of dynamic, static and semi-static objects into different classes and how to treat these classes in the SLAM approach. Based on a current state of research, you will evaluate existing approaches and derive a novel concept for segmentation in versatile outdoor environments. During the implementation with ROS in C++/Python you will regularly test and evaluate your algorithms on our outdoor robot platforms.


Was Sie mitbringen

  • Background in Computer Science, Software Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Mechatronics or similar

  • Enrolled student at a German university

  • Profound knowledge of C++ /Python

  • Experience with ROS

  • Background in neural networks for image or point cloud processing

  • Analytical mindset and experience in algorithm development

  • Enthusiasm for mobile robotics

  • Fluent in English or German


Was Sie erwarten können

  • A leading research team in the outdoor mobile robotics

  • You work on our robots in real life applications

  • Responsibility and freedom to implement your own ideas

  • Work with the best students in their discipline

  • Familiar atmosphere including Feature Friday (cake + presentations or demos)


Wir wertschätzen und fördern die Vielfalt der Kompetenzen unserer Mitarbeitenden und begrüßen daher alle Bewerbungen – unabhängig von Alter, Geschlecht, Nationalität, ethnischer und sozialer Herkunft, Religion, Weltanschauung, Behinderung sowie sexueller Orientierung und Identität. Schwerbehinderte Menschen werden bei gleicher Eignung bevorzugt eingestellt.


Mit ihrer Fokussierung auf zukunftsrelevante Schlüsseltechnologien sowie auf die Verwertung der Ergebnisse in Wirtschaft und Industrie spielt die Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft eine zentrale Rolle im Innovationsprozess. Als Wegweiser und Impulsgeber für innovative Entwicklungen und wissenschaftliche Exzellenz wirkt sie mit an der Gestaltung unserer Gesellschaft und unserer Zukunft. 

Haben wir Ihr Interesse geweckt? Dann bewerben Sie sich jetzt online mit Ihren aussagekräftigen Bewerbungsunterlagen. Wir freuen uns darauf, Sie kennenzulernen! 

If you are interested, please upload a short letter of motivation, CV and current grade transcript in our job portal.


If you have any questions about the application process, please contact:

Jennifer Leppich
Tel. +49 711 970-1415



For questions about the content of the Master's thesis, please contact:

Dominik Moss

Navigation mobile Roboter


Fraunhofer-Institut für Produktionstechnik und Automatisierung IPA 


Kennziffer: 78494                Bewerbungsfrist: 


Stellensegment: Cloud, Test Engineer, Testing, Computer Science, Technology, Bilingual, Engineering