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Title Sort ascending Job Location Institute
Student Assistant Artificial Intelligence
Student Assistant Artificial Intelligence Berlin HHI - Telecommunications, Heinrich Hertz Institute
Berlin HHI - Telecommunications, Heinrich Hertz Institute
Student Assistant Backend Development of Security/Hacking Tools
Student Assistant Backend Development of Security/Hacking Tools Darmstadt SIT - Secure Information Technology
Darmstadt SIT - Secure Information Technology
Student Assistant Backend Development of Security/Hacking Tools - C/C++
Student Assistant Backend Development of Security/Hacking Tools - C/C++ Darmstadt SIT - Secure Information Technology
Darmstadt SIT - Secure Information Technology
Student Assistant Digital Twins for Optical Networks
Student Assistant Digital Twins for Optical Networks Berlin HHI - Telecommunications, Heinrich Hertz Institute
Berlin HHI - Telecommunications, Heinrich Hertz Institute
Student Assistant for the operation of pilot plants for resource recovery from wastewater
Student Assistant for the operation of pilot plants for resource recovery from wastewater Oberhausen UMSICHT - Environmental, Safety, and Energy Technology
Oberhausen UMSICHT - Environmental, Safety, and Energy Technology
Student Assistant Frontend Development
Student Assistant Frontend Development Darmstadt SIT - Secure Information Technology
Darmstadt SIT - Secure Information Technology
Student Assistant in the field of "Media Distribution and Security" Ilmenau IDMT - Digital Media Technology
Student assistant in the field of data processing / machine learning
Student assistant in the field of data processing / machine learning Dresden FEP - Electron Beam and Plasma Technology
Dresden FEP - Electron Beam and Plasma Technology
Student assistant in the field of hyperspectral acquisition of 2D and 3D objects Darmstadt IGD - Computer Graphics Research
Student Assistant Marketing/ Communication
Student Assistant Marketing/ Communication Berlin HHI - Telecommunications, Heinrich Hertz Institute
Berlin HHI - Telecommunications, Heinrich Hertz Institute
Student Assistant Optical Broadband Networks
Student Assistant Optical Broadband Networks Berlin HHI - Telecommunications, Heinrich Hertz Institute
Berlin HHI - Telecommunications, Heinrich Hertz Institute
Student Assistant RF Antenna Design
Student Assistant RF Antenna Design Berlin HHI - Telecommunications, Heinrich Hertz Institute
Berlin HHI - Telecommunications, Heinrich Hertz Institute
Student Assistant Support of the ATHENE office
Student Assistant Support of the ATHENE office Darmstadt SIT - Secure Information Technology
Darmstadt SIT - Secure Information Technology
Student Assistant Windows Binary Fuzzing
Student Assistant Windows Binary Fuzzing Darmstadt SIT - Secure Information Technology
Darmstadt SIT - Secure Information Technology
Student Assistant, Bachelor's and Master's thesis Photonics
Student Assistant, Bachelor's and Master's thesis Photonics Berlin HHI - Telecommunications, Heinrich Hertz Institute
Berlin HHI - Telecommunications, Heinrich Hertz Institute
Student Assistant, Bachelor's and Master's thesis Video Communication and Applications
Student Assistant, Bachelor's and Master's thesis Video Communication and Applications Berlin HHI - Telecommunications, Heinrich Hertz Institute
Berlin HHI - Telecommunications, Heinrich Hertz Institute
Student Assistant, Bachelor's and Master's thesis Vision and Imaging Technologies
Student Assistant, Bachelor's and Master's thesis Vision and Imaging Technologies Berlin HHI - Telecommunications, Heinrich Hertz Institute
Berlin HHI - Telecommunications, Heinrich Hertz Institute
Student Assistant, Bachelor's and Master's thesis Wireless Communications and Networks
Student Assistant, Bachelor's and Master's thesis Wireless Communications and Networks Berlin HHI - Telecommunications, Heinrich Hertz Institute
Berlin HHI - Telecommunications, Heinrich Hertz Institute
Student Assistant/ Intern/ Thesis Student - Photonic Quantum Technology
Student Assistant/ Intern/ Thesis Student - Photonic Quantum Technology Jena IOF - Applied Optics and Precision Engineering
Jena IOF - Applied Optics and Precision Engineering
Student assistant: Numerical Simulation and Experimental Analysis of Sheet Metal Forming Process Aachen IPT - Production Technology
Student assistant: Software engineering for industrial and digital infrastructures Aachen IPT - Production Technology
Student Thesis in the field of »Multiphysics modelling of All-Solid-State Batteries« Braunschweig IST - Surface Engineering and Thin Films
Student* / Intern* with Master Thesis (optional) Methodology Development of Grid Forming Control Bremerhaven IWES - Wind Energy Systems
Student* with Master Thesis (optional) AI-Based Blade Bearing Condition Monitoring Hamburg IWES - Wind Energy Systems
Student: Artificial Intelligence in Semiconductor Technology
Student: Artificial Intelligence in Semiconductor Technology Chemnitz ENAS - Electronic Nano Systems
Chemnitz ENAS - Electronic Nano Systems