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Student Assistant/ Intern/ Thesis Student - Photonic Quantum Technology
Student Assistant/ Intern/ Thesis Student - Photonic Quantum Technology Jena IOF - Applied Optics and Precision Engineering
Jena IOF - Applied Optics and Precision Engineering
Scientist in the field of fiber lasers
Scientist in the field of fiber lasers Ettlingen IOSB - Optronics, System Technologies and Image Exploitation
Ettlingen IOSB - Optronics, System Technologies and Image Exploitation
Scientist in the field of optical fiber components
Scientist in the field of optical fiber components Oberkochen IOSB - Optronics, System Technologies and Image Exploitation
Oberkochen IOSB - Optronics, System Technologies and Image Exploitation
Scientist in the field of fiber preform development for active fibers
Scientist in the field of fiber preform development for active fibers Oberkochen IOSB - Optronics, System Technologies and Image Exploitation
Oberkochen IOSB - Optronics, System Technologies and Image Exploitation
Scientist in the field of fiber drawing technology for active fluoride fibers
Scientist in the field of fiber drawing technology for active fluoride fibers Oberkochen IOSB - Optronics, System Technologies and Image Exploitation
Oberkochen IOSB - Optronics, System Technologies and Image Exploitation
Master Thesis on Bayesian Optimization of Multi-stage Processes with Smart Inducing Point Allocation
Master Thesis on Bayesian Optimization of Multi-stage Processes with Smart Inducing Point Allocation Karlsruhe IOSB - Optronics, System Technologies and Image Exploitation
Karlsruhe IOSB - Optronics, System Technologies and Image Exploitation
Master Thesis on Bayesian Optimization of Multi-stage Processes with Partial Evaluations
Master Thesis on Bayesian Optimization of Multi-stage Processes with Partial Evaluations Karlsruhe IOSB - Optronics, System Technologies and Image Exploitation
Karlsruhe IOSB - Optronics, System Technologies and Image Exploitation
Optical Engineer in Adaptive Optics for Ground-Based Laser Momentum Transfer
Optical Engineer in Adaptive Optics for Ground-Based Laser Momentum Transfer Ettlingen IOSB - Optronics, System Technologies and Image Exploitation
Ettlingen IOSB - Optronics, System Technologies and Image Exploitation
Master Thesis - Pointcloud Mapping for Autonomous Outdoor Navigation
Master Thesis - Pointcloud Mapping for Autonomous Outdoor Navigation Stuttgart IPA - Manufacturing Engineering and Automation
Stuttgart IPA - Manufacturing Engineering and Automation
Master Thesis - Improving 3D LiDAR Localization of Mobile Robots with Point Cloud Segmentation Stuttgart IPA - Manufacturing Engineering and Automation
Master Thesis - Development of a precise navigation solution in confined environments
Master Thesis - Development of a precise navigation solution in confined environments Stuttgart IPA - Manufacturing Engineering and Automation
Stuttgart IPA - Manufacturing Engineering and Automation
Software Engineer for Professional Outdoor Service Robots
Software Engineer for Professional Outdoor Service Robots Stuttgart IPA - Manufacturing Engineering and Automation
Stuttgart IPA - Manufacturing Engineering and Automation
PhD thesis in IC Design with focus on CMOS backplanes
PhD thesis in IC Design with focus on CMOS backplanes Dresden IPMS - Photonic Microsystems
Dresden IPMS - Photonic Microsystems
Research assistant in IC Design (Focus "analog")
Research assistant in IC Design (Focus "analog") Dresden IPMS - Photonic Microsystems
Dresden IPMS - Photonic Microsystems
Group Manager Memory Technologies
Group Manager Memory Technologies Dresden IPMS - Photonic Microsystems
Dresden IPMS - Photonic Microsystems
PhD candidate for 300mm CMOS compatible quantum technologies Dresden IPMS - Photonic Microsystems
Working Student in Design and Characterization of On-Board Embedded Systems Dresden IPMS - Photonic Microsystems
Working Student as Digital Design Engineer for Advanced In-Memory Computing Dresden IPMS - Photonic Microsystems
Working Student in Neural Network Training and Hardware-Aware Optimization for AI Systems Dresden IPMS - Photonic Microsystems
Working Student in Measurement and Characterization of Mixed-Signal Accelerators Dresden IPMS - Photonic Microsystems
Internship for IP verification and validation under use of virtual prototypes (VPs) Dresden IPMS - Photonic Microsystems
Final Thesis: Design and Layout of highspeed ADC interface for a chip based quantum device Dresden IPMS - Photonic Microsystems
Final thesis: Analog design and layout of HV-DAC interface for electro-optic devices Dresden IPMS - Photonic Microsystems
PhD Thesis: Integration and characterization of ferroelectric memory devices Dresden IPMS - Photonic Microsystems
Bachelor-/ Master Thesis: »Bayesian Optimization for Optimizing Laser Processes« Aachen IPT - Production Technology