Applied Research - Direct entry

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Title Job Location Institute
Research Associate - Real Time Simulation and HiL Testing Kiel ISIT - Silicon Technology
PhD Candidate - Automated Hidden Markov Modelling for power network components
PhD Candidate - Automated Hidden Markov Modelling for power network components Freiburg EMI - High-Speed Dynamics, Ernst-Mach-Institut
Freiburg EMI - High-Speed Dynamics, Ernst-Mach-Institut
Unsolicited application - research assistant
Unsolicited application - research assistant Hamburg IAPT- Additive Production Technologies IAPT
Hamburg IAPT- Additive Production Technologies IAPT
Postdoc (M/F/D) - Super-Resolution Microscopy and Cell Biology
Postdoc (M/F/D) - Super-Resolution Microscopy and Cell Biology Göttingen ITMP - Translational Medicine and Pharmacology
Göttingen ITMP - Translational Medicine and Pharmacology
PhD-student (M/F/D) - Cell Biology and immunology
PhD-student (M/F/D) - Cell Biology and immunology Göttingen ITMP - Translational Medicine and Pharmacology
Göttingen ITMP - Translational Medicine and Pharmacology
Scientist - RF PCB Designer
Scientist - RF PCB Designer Berlin HHI - Telecommunications, Heinrich Hertz Institute
Berlin HHI - Telecommunications, Heinrich Hertz Institute
Research Associate for Design of Security Chips 1 1
Research Associate for Design of Security Chips 1 1 Garching (Munich) AISEC - Applied and Integrated Security
Garching (Munich) AISEC - Applied and Integrated Security
PhD thesis in IC Design with focus on CMOS backplanes 1
PhD thesis in IC Design with focus on CMOS backplanes 1 Dresden IPMS - Photonic Microsystems
Dresden IPMS - Photonic Microsystems
Research assistant in IC Design (Focus "analog") 1
Research assistant in IC Design (Focus "analog") 1 Dresden IPMS - Photonic Microsystems
Dresden IPMS - Photonic Microsystems
Software Engineer for Professional Outdoor Service Robots
Software Engineer for Professional Outdoor Service Robots Stuttgart IPA - Manufacturing Engineering and Automation
Stuttgart IPA - Manufacturing Engineering and Automation
Researcher in Foundation Models with a focus on (multimodal) Agent Systems/Multi-Agent Systems
Researcher in Foundation Models with a focus on (multimodal) Agent Systems/Multi-Agent Systems Sankt Augustin IAIS - Intelligent Analysis and Information Systems
Sankt Augustin IAIS - Intelligent Analysis and Information Systems
Researcher in Multilingual Foundation Models
Researcher in Multilingual Foundation Models Sankt Augustin IAIS - Intelligent Analysis and Information Systems
Sankt Augustin IAIS - Intelligent Analysis and Information Systems
Bioinformatician / Postdoc - Microbiome Research
Bioinformatician / Postdoc - Microbiome Research Frankfurt am Main ITMP - Translational Medicine and Pharmacology
Frankfurt am Main ITMP - Translational Medicine and Pharmacology
Research Associate for Design of Security Chips 1
Research Associate for Design of Security Chips 1 Garching (Munich) AISEC - Applied and Integrated Security
Garching (Munich) AISEC - Applied and Integrated Security
Chemical Technician - Chemical Technology / Heterogeneous Catalysis
Chemical Technician - Chemical Technology / Heterogeneous Catalysis Oberhausen UMSICHT - Environmental, Safety, and Energy Technology
Oberhausen UMSICHT - Environmental, Safety, and Energy Technology
Speculative application for Fraunhofer FFB
Speculative application for Fraunhofer FFB Münster FFB - Battery Cell Production
Münster FFB - Battery Cell Production
PhD Position ‒ Engineer* Adaptive Rotor Blade Structural Analysis and Lifetime Prediction Bremerhaven IWES - Wind Energy Systems
Software Developer for Feature Detection and Environment Modelling with the Possibility of PhD Stuttgart IPA - Manufacturing Engineering and Automation
PhD student »Dynamic simulation of flexible cable«
PhD student »Dynamic simulation of flexible cable« Kaiserslautern ITWM - Industrial Mathematics
Kaiserslautern ITWM - Industrial Mathematics
IT expert - frontend / research 'JOINT INNOVATION HUB Heilbronn'
IT expert - frontend / research 'JOINT INNOVATION HUB Heilbronn' Heilbronn ISI - Systems and Innovation Research
Heilbronn ISI - Systems and Innovation Research
PhD in Drone-Based Condition Monitoring of Technical Systems Cottbus IPMS - Photonic Microsystems
Scientist in the field of optical fiber components
Scientist in the field of optical fiber components Oberkochen IOSB - Optronics, System Technologies and Image Exploitation
Oberkochen IOSB - Optronics, System Technologies and Image Exploitation
Scientist in the field of fiber preform development for active fibers
Scientist in the field of fiber preform development for active fibers Oberkochen IOSB - Optronics, System Technologies and Image Exploitation
Oberkochen IOSB - Optronics, System Technologies and Image Exploitation
PhD »AI-supported image processing for the identification of conifers for species protection« Kaiserslautern ITWM - Industrial Mathematics
Scientist in the field of fiber drawing technology for active fluoride fibers
Scientist in the field of fiber drawing technology for active fluoride fibers Oberkochen IOSB - Optronics, System Technologies and Image Exploitation
Oberkochen IOSB - Optronics, System Technologies and Image Exploitation