Applied Research - Promotion

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Speculative application for Fraunhofer FFB
Speculative application for Fraunhofer FFB Münster FFB - Battery Cell Production
Münster FFB - Battery Cell Production
Speculative application: Research associates (m/f/d)
Speculative application: Research associates (m/f/d) Sankt Augustin FIT - Applied Information Technology
Sankt Augustin FIT - Applied Information Technology
Student Assistant Optical Broadband Networks
Student Assistant Optical Broadband Networks Berlin HHI - Telecommunications, Heinrich Hertz Institute
Berlin HHI - Telecommunications, Heinrich Hertz Institute
Student Assistant RF Antenna Design
Student Assistant RF Antenna Design Berlin HHI - Telecommunications, Heinrich Hertz Institute
Berlin HHI - Telecommunications, Heinrich Hertz Institute
Scientist Optical non-terrestrial networks
Scientist Optical non-terrestrial networks Berlin HHI - Telecommunications, Heinrich Hertz Institute
Berlin HHI - Telecommunications, Heinrich Hertz Institute
Unsolicited application - research assistant
Unsolicited application - research assistant Hamburg IAPT- Additive Production Technologies IAPT
Hamburg IAPT- Additive Production Technologies IAPT
TAKE THE INITIATIVE Kaiserslautern IESE - Experimentelles Software Engineering
Kaiserslautern IESE - Experimentelles Software Engineering
Unsolicited application Fraunhofer ILT
Unsolicited application Fraunhofer ILT Aachen ILT - Laser Technology
Aachen ILT - Laser Technology
Master thesis: Algorithm for reducing laser-induced roughness during laser polishing of AISI H11 Aachen ILT - Laser Technology
Student assistant (f/m/d) for the development of high-power ultrashort plus lasers Aachen ILT - Laser Technology
Student assistant (m/f/d) in programming and signal processing in medical technology Aachen ILT - Laser Technology
Speculative application for the department »Opto-mechatronical Components and Systems« Jena IOF - Applied Optics and Precision Engineering
Scientist in the field of fiber lasers
Scientist in the field of fiber lasers Ettlingen IOSB - Optronics, System Technologies and Image Exploitation
Ettlingen IOSB - Optronics, System Technologies and Image Exploitation
Scientist in the field of optical fiber components
Scientist in the field of optical fiber components Oberkochen IOSB - Optronics, System Technologies and Image Exploitation
Oberkochen IOSB - Optronics, System Technologies and Image Exploitation
Scientist in the field of fiber preform development for active fibers
Scientist in the field of fiber preform development for active fibers Oberkochen IOSB - Optronics, System Technologies and Image Exploitation
Oberkochen IOSB - Optronics, System Technologies and Image Exploitation
Scientist in the field of fiber drawing technology for active fluoride fibers
Scientist in the field of fiber drawing technology for active fluoride fibers Oberkochen IOSB - Optronics, System Technologies and Image Exploitation
Oberkochen IOSB - Optronics, System Technologies and Image Exploitation
Optical Engineer in Adaptive Optics for Ground-Based Laser Momentum Transfer
Optical Engineer in Adaptive Optics for Ground-Based Laser Momentum Transfer Ettlingen IOSB - Optronics, System Technologies and Image Exploitation
Ettlingen IOSB - Optronics, System Technologies and Image Exploitation
Software Engineer for Professional Outdoor Service Robots
Software Engineer for Professional Outdoor Service Robots Stuttgart IPA - Manufacturing Engineering and Automation
Stuttgart IPA - Manufacturing Engineering and Automation
PhD thesis in IC Design with focus on CMOS backplanes
PhD thesis in IC Design with focus on CMOS backplanes Dresden IPMS - Photonic Microsystems
Dresden IPMS - Photonic Microsystems
PhD Student ‒ Cell Biology & Immunology
PhD Student ‒ Cell Biology & Immunology Göttingen ITMP - Translational Medicine and Pharmacology
Göttingen ITMP - Translational Medicine and Pharmacology
PhD student in the field of "Mathematics to increase the resilience of production processes" Kaiserslautern ITWM - Industrial Mathematics
PhD student in the field of "Mathematics to improve resource efficiency" Kaiserslautern ITWM - Industrial Mathematics
PhD »AI-supported image processing for the identification of conifers for species protection« Kaiserslautern ITWM - Industrial Mathematics
PhD student »Dynamic simulation of flexible cable«
PhD student »Dynamic simulation of flexible cable« Kaiserslautern ITWM - Industrial Mathematics
Kaiserslautern ITWM - Industrial Mathematics
SPECULATIVE APPLICATION: INTERNSHIP Kaiserslautern ITWM - Industrial Mathematics
Kaiserslautern ITWM - Industrial Mathematics