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Internship in the field of autonomous systems and AI in Ingolstadt
Internship in the field of autonomous systems and AI in Ingolstadt Ingolstadt IVI - Transportation and Infrastructure Systems
Ingolstadt IVI - Transportation and Infrastructure Systems
Internship for IP verification and validation under use of virtual prototypes (VPs) Dresden IPMS - Photonic Microsystems
Internship - Initiative application
Internship - Initiative application Kassel IEE - Energy Economics and Energy System Technology
Kassel IEE - Energy Economics and Energy System Technology
Intern* / Student* with Master Thesis (optional) Testbench Design and Electrolyzer Characterization Leuna IWES - Wind Energy Systems
Intern* / Student* with Master Thesis (optional) Investigation of Journal Bearings in Wind Turbines Bremerhaven IWES - Wind Energy Systems
Initiative position as an student assistant
Initiative position as an student assistant Ilmenau IDMT - Digital Media Technology
Ilmenau IDMT - Digital Media Technology
Initiative position as an intern
Initiative position as an intern Ilmenau IDMT - Digital Media Technology
Ilmenau IDMT - Digital Media Technology
Initiative position as an employee
Initiative position as an employee Ilmenau IDMT - Digital Media Technology
Ilmenau IDMT - Digital Media Technology
Initiative job
Initiative job Sulzbach-Rosenberg UMSICHTATZ - Environmental, Safety, and Energy Technology
Sulzbach-Rosenberg UMSICHTATZ - Environmental, Safety, and Energy Technology
Head of a scientific department in the field of Enterprise Security
Head of a scientific department in the field of Enterprise Security Darmstadt SIT - Secure Information Technology
Darmstadt SIT - Secure Information Technology
Head of a scientific department in the field of Cyberphysical Systems Security Darmstadt SIT - Secure Information Technology
Group Manager Memory Technologies
Group Manager Memory Technologies Dresden IPMS - Photonic Microsystems
Dresden IPMS - Photonic Microsystems
Geoscientist* / Geotechnical Engineer* ‒ Subsoil Modeling and Seismic Inversion Bremen IWES - Wind Energy Systems
Fraunhofer Heinrich-Hertz-Institut (HHI) - Unsolicited Application
Fraunhofer Heinrich-Hertz-Institut (HHI) - Unsolicited Application Berlin HHI - Telecommunications, Heinrich Hertz Institute
Berlin HHI - Telecommunications, Heinrich Hertz Institute
Final Thesis: Design and Layout of highspeed ADC interface for a chip based quantum device Dresden IPMS - Photonic Microsystems
Final thesis: Analog design and layout of HV-DAC interface for electro-optic devices Dresden IPMS - Photonic Microsystems
Final Thesis (Master): Reinforcement Learning Based Traffic Optimization
Final Thesis (Master): Reinforcement Learning Based Traffic Optimization Ingolstadt IVI - Transportation and Infrastructure Systems
Ingolstadt IVI - Transportation and Infrastructure Systems
Chemical Technician - Chemical Technology / Heterogeneous Catalysis
Chemical Technician - Chemical Technology / Heterogeneous Catalysis Oberhausen UMSICHT - Environmental, Safety, and Energy Technology
Oberhausen UMSICHT - Environmental, Safety, and Energy Technology
BT/MT: »Deep learning and machine learning in production« Aachen IPT - Production Technology
Bachelor/Masterthesis - "Computer Vision for Biometrics"
Bachelor/Masterthesis - "Computer Vision for Biometrics" Darmstadt IGD - Computer Graphics Research
Darmstadt IGD - Computer Graphics Research
Bachelor/Master Thesis »Integrating and Optimizing Point Process Texture Basis Functions« Kaiserslautern ITWM - Industrial Mathematics
Bachelor-/ Master Thesis: »Simulation of fluid dynamics in the rotating Laser Powder Bed Process« Aachen IPT - Production Technology
Bachelor-/ Master Thesis: »Optimization of an OCT System for Optical Component Characterization« Aachen IPT - Production Technology
Bachelor-/ Master Thesis: »Metrological characterization of optical components« Aachen IPT - Production Technology
Bachelor-/ Master Thesis: »Innovative metal forming processes for fuel cell components« Aachen IPT - Production Technology