Suchergebnisse für "Applied Research".

Suchergebnisse für "Applied Research". Seite 1 von 7, Ergebnisse 1 bis 25 von 175
Stellenbezeichnung Arbeitsort Institut Sort descending
thesis (B/M): Development of innovative heat input systems for chemical recycling
thesis (B/M): Development of innovative heat input systems for chemical recycling Sulzbach-Rosenberg UMSICHTATZ - Environmental, Safety, and Energy Technology
Sulzbach-Rosenberg UMSICHTATZ - Environmental, Safety, and Energy Technology
Thesis (M): Process engineering design of a gas plant with oxyfuel combustion
Thesis (M): Process engineering design of a gas plant with oxyfuel combustion Sulzbach-Rosenberg UMSICHTATZ - Environmental, Safety, and Energy Technology
Sulzbach-Rosenberg UMSICHTATZ - Environmental, Safety, and Energy Technology
Thesis (M): Technical and economic evaluation of pyrolysis gases with oxyfuel
Thesis (M): Technical and economic evaluation of pyrolysis gases with oxyfuel Sulzbach-Rosenberg UMSICHTATZ - Environmental, Safety, and Energy Technology
Sulzbach-Rosenberg UMSICHTATZ - Environmental, Safety, and Energy Technology
Thesis (B/M): Test execution and evaluation on a vertical pyrolysis plant
Thesis (B/M): Test execution and evaluation on a vertical pyrolysis plant Sulzbach-Rosenberg UMSICHTATZ - Environmental, Safety, and Energy Technology
Sulzbach-Rosenberg UMSICHTATZ - Environmental, Safety, and Energy Technology
Initiative job
Initiative job Sulzbach-Rosenberg UMSICHTATZ - Environmental, Safety, and Energy Technology
Sulzbach-Rosenberg UMSICHTATZ - Environmental, Safety, and Energy Technology
Master Thesis »Variation of the production of sugar-based, mesoporous carbon materials«
Master Thesis »Variation of the production of sugar-based, mesoporous carbon materials« Oberhausen UMSICHT - Environmental, Safety, and Energy Technology
Oberhausen UMSICHT - Environmental, Safety, and Energy Technology
Master Thesis »Detecting the changes in secondary metabolites via Raman spectroscopy«
Master Thesis »Detecting the changes in secondary metabolites via Raman spectroscopy« Oberhausen UMSICHT - Environmental, Safety, and Energy Technology
Oberhausen UMSICHT - Environmental, Safety, and Energy Technology
Master's Thesis »Optimization of the production of sugar-based, mesoporous carbon materials«
Master's Thesis »Optimization of the production of sugar-based, mesoporous carbon materials« Oberhausen UMSICHT - Environmental, Safety, and Energy Technology
Oberhausen UMSICHT - Environmental, Safety, and Energy Technology
Master Thesis »Distillation of methanol from alternative sources«
Master Thesis »Distillation of methanol from alternative sources« Oberhausen UMSICHT - Environmental, Safety, and Energy Technology
Oberhausen UMSICHT - Environmental, Safety, and Energy Technology
Master Thesis »Optical solutions for the analysis of new, bio-based materials«
Master Thesis »Optical solutions for the analysis of new, bio-based materials« Oberhausen UMSICHT - Environmental, Safety, and Energy Technology
Oberhausen UMSICHT - Environmental, Safety, and Energy Technology
Thesis »Construction and evaluation of a 3-electrode measuring system for flow batteries«
Thesis »Construction and evaluation of a 3-electrode measuring system for flow batteries« Oberhausen UMSICHT - Environmental, Safety, and Energy Technology
Oberhausen UMSICHT - Environmental, Safety, and Energy Technology
Student Assistant Windows Binary Fuzzing
Student Assistant Windows Binary Fuzzing Darmstadt SIT - Secure Information Technology
Darmstadt SIT - Secure Information Technology
Student Assistant Backend Development of Security/Hacking Tools
Student Assistant Backend Development of Security/Hacking Tools Darmstadt SIT - Secure Information Technology
Darmstadt SIT - Secure Information Technology
Student Assistant Backend Development of Security/Hacking Tools - C/C++
Student Assistant Backend Development of Security/Hacking Tools - C/C++ Darmstadt SIT - Secure Information Technology
Darmstadt SIT - Secure Information Technology
Student Assistant Support of the ATHENE office
Student Assistant Support of the ATHENE office Darmstadt SIT - Secure Information Technology
Darmstadt SIT - Secure Information Technology
Research Associate for Secure Software Engineering
Research Associate for Secure Software Engineering Darmstadt SIT - Secure Information Technology
Darmstadt SIT - Secure Information Technology
Student Assistant Frontend Development
Student Assistant Frontend Development Darmstadt SIT - Secure Information Technology
Darmstadt SIT - Secure Information Technology
Research Associate for Software Analysis
Research Associate for Software Analysis Darmstadt SIT - Secure Information Technology
Darmstadt SIT - Secure Information Technology
Head of a scientific department in the field of Enterprise Security
Head of a scientific department in the field of Enterprise Security Darmstadt SIT - Secure Information Technology
Darmstadt SIT - Secure Information Technology
Head of a scientific department in the field of Cyberphysical Systems Security Darmstadt SIT - Secure Information Technology
Postdoc Biomedical Data Scientist
Postdoc Biomedical Data Scientist Sankt Augustin SCAI - Algorithms and Scientific Computing
Sankt Augustin SCAI - Algorithms and Scientific Computing
BA / MA Theses in the field of Ultrasound
BA / MA Theses in the field of Ultrasound Bremen MEVIS - Digital Medicine
Bremen MEVIS - Digital Medicine
BA / MA Thesis Architecture for AR and VR in Medical Visualization Bremen MEVIS - Digital Medicine
BA / MA Thesis Motion Analysis
BA / MA Thesis Motion Analysis Bremen MEVIS - Digital Medicine
Bremen MEVIS - Digital Medicine
Unsolicited Application as an Intern at the Rostock Site
Unsolicited Application as an Intern at the Rostock Site Rostock IZI - Cell Therapy and Immunology
Rostock IZI - Cell Therapy and Immunology